\r\n ①成品类:\r\n1) 光源类成品(LED灯泡、LED灯管、农业照明、紫外照明)\r\n2) 固定式灯具(吊灯及天花板或墙壁上电器照明装置)\r\n3) 可移动式灯具(台灯、落地灯、床头灯等)\r\n4) 节日灯饰、灯带、灯串\r\n5) 户外灯具(户外用的路灯、投光灯、庭院灯、草坪灯、洗墙灯等)\r\n6) 特种照明产品(影视舞台灯、工矿灯、水族灯、体育馆等专业场所使用的灯具)\r\n7) 光显产品(各类显示屏、激光投影等)\r\n8) 光伏产品(各类太阳能灯具)\r\n9) 其他\r\n②核心材料类:\r\n1) 灯珠\r\n2) 电源\r\n3) 其他\r\n
\r\n\r\n ①数字艺术:裸眼3D、影视特效、AR/VR数字互动、数字交互\r\n②光艺术装置:艺术灯光装置具有雕塑艺术性及灯光艺术性,利用声、光、电的美学创作\r\n③灯具造型设计:具有特色的灯具设计\r\n④教育空间光环境设计:高等院校、职业院校、中小学、幼儿园、教育机构等校园办公及宿舍等具备文化教育功能的公共空间的照明设计方案。\r\n⑤办公空间光环境设计:各类办公场所,包括总部大楼、现代服务机构营业场所、小型办公、共享办公等空间的照明设计方案。\r\n⑥居住空间光环境设计:别墅、大平层、公寓、集合住宅等居住空间的照明设计方案。\r\n⑦商业空间光环境设计:商场、专卖店、零售商店、美发中心、书店、展厅或不同于零售店的产品、服务宣传展示场所,包括房地产营销中心、会展搭建的临时展销厅等各种商业展陈空间的照明设计方案。\r\n⑧酒店&文娱空间光环境设计:1)文娱空间:酒吧、夜总会、俱乐部、影视、游艺、音乐厅、影剧院、体育馆等文化、体育、娱乐场所的照明设计方案。2)酒店休闲空间:各类酒店室内空间、会所、水疗中心、SPA、主题餐厅、酒楼、特色风味餐厅、连锁餐饮等餐饮休闲场所的照明设计方案。\r\n⑨康养医疗空间光环境设计:医院、养老院、养老机构、康复中心、疗养院、月子中心等空间的照明设计方案。\r\n⑩城市&景观照明设计:1)都市、社区景观:城市公园、广场、街区、河道、桥梁、庭院景观、社区花园景观、社区开放空间等公共环境景观的照明设计方案。2)生态景观:风景区、自然生态保护区等景观的照明设计方案。\r\n⑪建筑外立面照明设计:1)商业建筑:购物中心、商业街区、酒店、餐饮、娱乐类建筑等。 2)公共建筑:办公楼、科技园、城市综合体、交通建筑、体育建筑、会展建筑、博物馆、美术馆、图书馆、文化馆、文化艺术中心、展演类建筑、高等院校、职业院校、中小学、幼儿园等校园及宿舍等公共建筑的照明设计方案。\r\n⑫文旅照明设计:1)故居、纪念园、博物馆类的照明设计方案。2)宗教古寺、庙宇类的照明设计方案。3)古镇古街、旅游小镇类的照明设计方案。4)史前遗址、古代设施类的照明设计方案。5)文化主题公园、文化产业园、文化新区类的照明设计方案。
\r\n\r\n ①商业建筑景观照明工程:以商业建筑,包括:商店、商场、批发市场、商业综合体;办公写字楼、销售展示中心;旅馆(含宾馆、酒店、招待所等);餐馆(含中西餐厅、饮食店、酒吧等);文化娱乐设施(如卡拉OK歌舞厅等)、会所等为主,体现建筑外立面照明效果。\r\n②公共建筑景观照明工程:以政府出资建造的公共建筑(一般指规划区内的各种行政建筑、服务民众的建筑等,包括政府建筑、公共娱乐设施、城市交通设施、教育科研文化机构建筑、医疗卫生机构建筑等)为主,体现建筑外立面照明效果。\r\n③城市景观照明工程:1)都市、社区景观:城市公园、广场、街区、河道、桥梁、庭院景观、社区花园景观、社区开放空间等公共环境景观的照明工程。2)生态景观:风景区、自然生态保护区等景观的照明工程。\r\n④文旅照明工程:1)故居、纪念园、博物馆类的照明工程。2)宗教古寺、庙宇类的照明工程。3)古镇古街、旅游小镇类的照明工程。4)史前遗址、古代设施类的照明工程。5)文化主题公园、文化产业园、文化新区类的照明工程。\r\n⑤商业建筑室内照明工程:以商业建筑,包括:商店、商场、批发市场、商业综合体;办公写字楼、销售展示中心;旅馆(含宾馆、酒店、招待所等);餐馆(含中西餐厅、饮食店、酒吧等);文化娱乐设施(如卡拉OK歌舞厅等)、会所等为主,体现室内照明效果。\r\n⑥公共建筑室内照明工程:以政府出资建造的公共建筑(一般指规划区内的各种行政建筑、服务民众的建筑等,包括政府建筑、公共娱乐设施、城市交通设施、教育科研文化机构建筑、医疗卫生机构建筑等)为主,体现室内照明效果。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.1、\r\n 每一个小类别都组建专业评审组,评审团成员采取规避原则,即所在单位如果参与某一小分类申报,则自动取消该类别的投票资格。\r\n 5.2、从每一个小分类中选出若干个优秀奖,优秀奖的获奖比例不超过申报数量的20%,最佳奖获奖比例不超过优秀奖的40%。当某类别申报不足的情况下,由该小类别专业评审组来讨论相应的解决办法,如取消该类别的优秀提名奖。每一个大类别的突出奖项,不需要进行特别申报,终审委员会将从所有小类优秀奖里面,特别进行评分,从而评选完成。\r\n 5.3、企业或个人的申报项目总数,不能超过6个;申报同一奖项分类的项目,不能为同一名称的不同款式。\r\n 5.4、评分制度:以分数为评判,以分数高低进行排名。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 组委会秘书处在阿拉丁网上照明展、阿拉丁神灯奖官网上公示优秀奖获奖名单,任何单位或者个人对候选优秀奖项目的创新性、先进性、实用性及推荐材料真实性等持有异议的,应当在公示之日起7日内向组委会秘书处提出,逾期不予受理。\r\n 6.1、提出异议的单位或者个人应当提供书面异议材料,并提供必要的证明文件。\r\n 提出异议的单位、个人应当表明真实身份。个人提出异议的,应当在书面异议材料上签署真实姓名;以单位名义提出异议的,应当加盖本单位公章。以匿名方式提出的异议一般不予受理。\r\n 6.2、\r\n 提出异议的单位、个人不得擅自将异议材料直接提交评审组织或者其委员;委员收到异议材料的,应当及时转交组委会秘书处,不得提交评审组织讨论和转发其他委员。\r\n 6.3\r\n 组委会秘书处在接到异议材料后应当进行审查,对符合规定并能提供充分证据的异议,应予受理。\r\n 6.4、为维护异议者的合法权益,组委会秘书处、推荐单位及其工作人员和推荐人,以及其他参与异议调查、处理的有关人员应当对异议者的身份予以保密;确实需要公开的,应当事前征求异议者的意见。\r\n 6.5、涉及优秀奖项目的创新性、先进性、实用性及推荐材料真实性等内容的异议由组委会秘书处负责协调,由有关推荐单位或者推荐人协助。推荐单位或者推荐人接到异议通知后,应当在规定的时间内核实异议材料,并将调查、核实情况报送组委会秘书处审核。必要时,组委会秘书处可以组织专业评审组进行调查,提出处理意见。\r\n 推荐单位或者推荐人接到异议材料后,在异议通知规定的时间内未提出调查、核实报告和协调处理意见的,该项目不提交评审。\r\n 6.6、异议处理过程中,涉及异议的任何一方应当积极配合,不得推诿和延误。候选优秀项目在规定时间内未按要求提供相关证明材料的,视为承认异议内容;提出异议的单位、个人在规定时间内未按要求提供相关证明材料的,视为放弃异议。\r\n 6.7、异议自异议受理截止之日起10日内处理完毕.\r\n 6.8、组委会秘书处应当向相关的专业评审委员会报告异议核实情况及处理意见,提请终审委员会决定,并将决定意见通知异议方和推荐单位、推荐人。\r\n 组委会秘书处应当及时向评审团报告异议处理情况。\r\n
\r\n\r\n ①Finished Products: 1)Light source products (LED bulbs, LED tubes,\r\n agricultural lighting, UV lighting) 2)Fixed lights (pendant light\r\n and electrical lighting device on ceiling or wall) 3)Movable\r\n lights (table light, floor light, bedside light, etc.) 4)Festival\r\n lights, light strips, light strings 5) Outdoor lights (outdoor\r\n street lights, project lights, garden lights, lawn lights, wall\r\n washing lights, etc.) 6) Special lighting products (lights used in\r\n film and television stage lights, industrial and mining lights,\r\n aquarium lights, gymnasiums and other special places) 7) Optical\r\n display products (various displays, laser projection, etc.) 8)\r\n Photovoltaic products (all kinds of solar lights) 9) Other\r\n products ②Core material products: 1)light beads 2)light source\r\n 3)other material\r\n
\r\n\r\n ①Digital Art: naked 3D, film and television special effects, AR/VR\r\n digital interaction, digital interaction ②Light Art Installation:\r\n art light installation has sculpture artistry and light artistry\r\n which uses the aesthetics of sound, light and electricity in\r\n creation ③Design of Lamp Modeling: feature lamp design ④Design of\r\n Light Environment in Educational Space: lighting design scheme for\r\n campus offices and dormitories of colleges and universities,\r\n vocational colleges, primary and secondary schools, kindergartens,\r\n educational institutions and other public spaces with cultural and\r\n educational functions. ⑤Design of Light Environment in Working\r\n Space: lighting design scheme for various office spaces, including\r\n headquarters building, business premises of modern service\r\n institutions, small office, shared office and other spaces.\r\n ⑥Design of Light Environment in Living Space: lighting design\r\n scheme for villas, large flat floors, apartments, assembly houses\r\n and other living spaces. ⑦Design of Light Environment in Business\r\n Space: lighting design scheme for shopping malls, exclusive\r\n stores, retail stores, hair salons, bookstores, exhibition halls\r\n or places for product and service publicity and display different\r\n from retail stores, including real estate show rooms, temporary\r\n exhibition halls built for exhibitions and other commercial\r\n exhibition spaces. ⑧Design of Light Environment in Hotels and\r\n Entertainment Space: 1) Entertainment Space: lighting design\r\n scheme of bars, night clubs, clubs, movies, game centers, concert\r\n halls, cinemas and other cultural and entertainment places. 2)\r\n Hotel Leisure Space: lighting design scheme for various hotel\r\n interior spaces, clubs, SPA, theme restaurants, restaurant,\r\n specialty canteens, chain restaurants and other catering and\r\n leisure places. ⑨Design of Light Environment in Health Care and\r\n Medical Space: lighting design scheme for hospital, nursing home,\r\n nursing institution, rehabilitation center, sanatorium, maternity\r\n centers and other spaces. ⑩Urban and Landscape Lighting Design: 1)\r\n Urban and Community Landscape: lighting design scheme of public\r\n environment landscape such as urban park, square, block, river,\r\n bridge, courtyard landscape, community garden landscape, community\r\n open space, etc. 2) Ecological Landscape: lighting design scheme\r\n for scenic spots, natural ecological reserves and other\r\n landscapes. ⑪External Façade Lighting Design: 1) Commercial\r\n Buildings: shopping centers, commercial blocks, hotels, catering,\r\n entertainment building, etc. 2) Public Building: lighting design\r\n scheme for office buildings, science and technology parks, urban\r\n complexes, transportation buildings, sport buildings, exhibition\r\n buildings, museums, art galleries, libraries, cultural centers,\r\n cultural and art centers, exhibition buildings, colleges and\r\n universities, vocational colleges, primary and secondary schools,\r\n kindergartens and other public buildings. ⑫Cultural Tourism\r\n Lighting Design: 1) Lighting design scheme for former residences,\r\n memorial parks and museums; 2) lighting design scheme for ancient\r\n religious temples and courts; 3) lighting design scheme for\r\n ancient streets and tourist towns; 4) lighting design scheme for\r\n prehistoric sites and ancient facilities; 5) lighting design\r\n scheme for cultural theme parks, cultural industrial parks and\r\n cultural new areas.\r\n
\r\n\r\n ①Commercial Building Landscape Lighting Project: commercial\r\n buildings, including shops, shopping malls, wholesale markets and\r\n commercial complexes; office buildings and sales exhibition\r\n centers; hotels including inns, hotel, guest house, etc.\r\n restaurants including Chinese and western restaurants, snack bars,\r\n bars, etc. cultural and entertainment facilities, such as karaoke\r\n dance halls, clubs which mainly reflect the lighting effect of the\r\n building façade. ②Public Building Landscape Lighting Project:\r\n Public buildings funded by the government (generally referring to\r\n various administrative buildings and buildings serving the public\r\n in the planning area, including government buildings, public\r\n entertainment facilities, urban transportation facilities,\r\n education, research and cultural institutions, medical and health\r\n institutions, etc.) are mainly used to reflect the light effect of\r\n the building façade. ③Urban Landscape Lighting Project: 1) urban\r\n and community landscape: urban park, square, block, river, bridge,\r\n courtyard landscape, community garden landscape, community open\r\n space and other public environmental landscape lighting projects.\r\n 2) Ecological lands: lighting projects for scenic spots, natural\r\n ecological reserves and other landscapes. ④Cultural Tourism\r\n Lighting Project: 1) Lighting design scheme for former residences,\r\n memorial parks and museums; 2) lighting design scheme for ancient\r\n religious temples and courts; 3) lighting design scheme for\r\n ancient streets and tourist towns; 4) lighting design scheme for\r\n prehistoric sites and ancient facilities; 5) lighting design\r\n scheme for cultural theme parks, cultural industrial parks and\r\n cultural new areas. ⑤Commercial Building Interior Lighting\r\n Project: commercial buildings, including shops, shopping malls,\r\n wholesale markets and commercial complexes; office buildings and\r\n sales exhibition centers; hotels including inns, hotel, guest\r\n house, etc. restaurants including Chinese and western restaurants,\r\n snack bars, bars, etc. cultural and entertainment facilities, such\r\n as karaoke dance halls, clubs which mainly reflect the lighting\r\n effect of the building façade. ⑥Public Building Indoor Lighting\r\n Project: Public buildings funded by the government (generally\r\n referring to various administrative buildings and buildings\r\n serving the public in the planning area, including government\r\n buildings, public entertainment facilities, urban transportation\r\n facilities, education, research and cultural institutions, medical\r\n and health institutions, etc.) are mainly used to reflect the\r\n light effect of the building façade.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.1 Each subcategory shall establish a professional jury and the\r\n members of the jury shall adopt the principle of circumvention,\r\n that is, if his institution participates in the application of one\r\n subcategory, his voting qualification of the category will be\r\n automatically cancelled. 5.2 Several Excellent Awards shall be\r\n selected from each sub category and the proportion of which shall\r\n not exceed 20% of the application projects, while the proportion\r\n of Best Awards not exceeding 40% of the Excellent Awards. In case\r\n of insufficient application of a certain category, the\r\n professional jury of the sub category shall discuss corresponding\r\n solutions, such as canceling the excellent nomination award of the\r\n category. No special declaration is required for each major\r\n category of outstanding awards. The final jury committee will\r\n evaluate Excellent Awards from all sub categories and complete the\r\n selection. 5.3 The maximum number of projects applied by\r\n enterprises or individuals is 6; projects applying for the same\r\n award category shall not be different styles with the same name.\r\n 5.4 Evaluation system: based on scores, ranking is based on\r\n scores.\r\n
\r\n\r\n The secretariat of committee shall publicize the list of winner of\r\n excellent awards on Alighting.cn and Lamp Award official site. If\r\n any unit or individual has objection against the creativity,\r\n advancement and practicality of excellent award items or the\r\n truthfulness of recommended materials, they shall bring it up to\r\n the secretariat of committee within 7 days after the date of\r\n publicity. Objection overdue is not to be accepted. 6.1 Unit or\r\n individual raising the objection shall provide written objection\r\n materials and necessary documentary proof. Unit or individual\r\n raising the objection shall show their true identities. In case of\r\n objection raised by an individual, the real name shall be signed\r\n on the written material on the objection; in case of objection\r\n raised by a unit, the official seal of the unit shall be stamped.\r\n Objections raised anonymously are not accepted in general. 6.2\r\n Unit or individual raising the objection shall not arbitrarily\r\n submit the objection materials directly to the appraisal\r\n organization or its members; members shall pass the objection\r\n materials to the secretariat of committee in a timely manner after\r\n receiving them, but shall not submit them to the appraisal\r\n organization for discussion r pass them to other members. 6.3 The\r\n secretariat of committee shall audit the objection materials upon\r\n receiving them and accept the objection that complies with the\r\n rule with sufficient evidence. 6.4 To protect the lawful rights\r\n and interests of objection raisers, the secretariat of committee,\r\n recommending unit and their staffs and recommenders as well as\r\n other personnel participating in investigation and treatment of\r\n objection shall keep the identity of the objection raiser\r\n confidential; if disclosure is necessary, they shall ask the\r\n objection raiser for opinion in advance. 6.5 The secretariat of\r\n committee shall coordinate objection on creativity, advancement\r\n and practicality of items involved in excellent award and\r\n truthfulness of recommended materials, etc. under the help of the\r\n recommending unit or the recommender. The recommending unit or\r\n recommender shall verify the objection materials in time after\r\n receiving the notice, and submit the result of investigation and\r\n verification to the secretariat of committee for auditing. The\r\n secretariat of committee may organize professional appraisal team\r\n for investigation if necessary and raise treatment opinions. If\r\n the recommending unit or recommender fails to provide\r\n investigation and verification report and coordinated treatment\r\n opinion in time specified in the notice after receiving the\r\n objection materials, the item is not to be submitted for\r\n appraisal. 6.6 During objection handling, any party involved in\r\n the objection shall positively cooperate without shuffle and\r\n delay. If the nominee fails to provide relevant documentary proof\r\n required in time, it shall be deemed as agreeing to the objection;\r\n if the unit and individual raising the objection fail to provide\r\n documentary proof as required in time, they shall be deemed as\r\n relinquishing the objection. 6.7 Objection shall be handled within\r\n 10 days by the deadline of objection acceptance 6.8 The\r\n secretariat of committee shall report the result of objection\r\n verification and the treatment opinions to the relevant\r\n professional appraisal committee, submit them to the final\r\n appraisal committee for decision-making, and inform the objection\r\n raiser, recommending unit and recommender of the opinions decided.\r\n The secretariat of committee shall report the handling of\r\n objection to the appraisal committee in a timely manner.\r\n
\r\n\r\n ①智能家居:\r\n1)家庭系统:背景音乐、家庭、影音共享、数字客厅等产品。\r\n2)家庭安全系统:安防、监控、门禁、可视对讲等产品。\r\n3)家电智能控制:灯光智能控制、智能家居控制系统、远程控制等产品。\r\n\r\n②智慧建筑:\r\n主要面向办公楼、商业综合楼、文化、媒体、学校、体育场馆、医院、交通、工业建筑、住宅小区等建筑的智能化产品。\r\n
\r\n\r\n ①智能家居\r\n1)家庭系统设计方案(背景音乐、家庭、影音共享、数字客厅等)\r\n2)家庭安全系统设计方案(安防、监控、门禁、可视对讲等)\r\n3)家电智能控制设计方案(灯光智能控制、智能家居控制系统、远程控制等)\r\n4)智能家居体验厅设计方案\r\n5)全屋智能集成设计方案\r\n6)商业空间集成设计方案\r\n\r\n②智慧建筑\r\n主要面向办公楼、商业综合楼、文化、媒体、学校、体育场馆、医院、交通、工业建筑、住宅小区等建筑的智能化设计方案。\r\n
\r\n\r\n ①Smart Home:\r\n1) home system: background music, home, video sharing, digital living room and other products;\r\n2) home safety system: security, monitoring, entrance guard, visual intercom and other products;\r\n3) intelligent control of household appliances: intelligent lighting control, intelligent household control system, remote control and other products.\r\n\r\n②Smart Building:\r\nintelligent products for office buildings, commercial complex building, culture, media, schools, hospitals, transportation, industrial buildings, residential areas and other building.\r\n
\r\n\r\n ① Smart Home:\r\n1) Home system design scheme (background music, home, video sharing, digital living room, etc.)\r\n2) Family safety system design scheme (security, monitoring, access control, visual intercom, etc.)\r\n3) Intelligent control design scheme for household appliances (intelligent lighting control, intelligent home control system, remote control, etc.) 4) Design Scheme of smart home experience hall\r\n5) Whole house intelligent integrated design scheme\r\n6) Integrated design scheme for commercial space\r\n\r\n②Smart Building:\r\nintelligent design scheme for office buildings, commercial complex building, culture, media, schools, hospitals, transportation, industrial buildings, residential areas and other building.\r\n